“Success Is 20% Skills And 80% Strategy.”

“You might know how to succeed, but more importantly, what’s your plan to succeed?”
— Jim Rohn

This quote made me go deep within myself and reflect on what that truly means, and more importantly — do I agree?

And honestly, I do think this is correct. You might have the skill set, you might be the specialist or expert in your field, but that truly doesn’t matter at all, unless you have a plan of how to share that knowledge, or how to apply it and make an impact on people.

This is one of many reasons I admire and am impressed by Chris Do. He truly has skills within his field of expertise, but on top of that, he is a savvy businessman with a very clear strategy and plans on how to make an impact on as many creatives, entrepreneurs and individuals with aspirations to create their future.

I wrote about the 80/20 rule in my book as well. Indeed, I wrote about many rules, principles and tools to create a solid strategy, and for the reader to be enabled to create a legacy brand, if that is what they truly desire.

So I guess I too am proof of the quote, because true — I do have the skills to mentor and advice individuals and organisations when it comes down to brand and marketing strategies, but the way to share that skill with my selected few clients is limited by my available time and access, which is why I write blog posts, I create YouTube videos, I create and am invited to speak on podcasts and also to be on virtual and physical stages around the world to share my message, I even write books about it. Which is my strategy, my plan and my mission statement:

To use my knowledge, curiosity and passion to make a positive impact on people around me.


Do You Have A Solid Strategy For Success?


What Do You Choose To Do When You Fail?