Show & Tell
Marketing Principles and why they matter
A principle is a concept or value that is a guide for behaviour or evaluation. According to Cambridge Dictionary, a principle is…
If not now, then when?
The world is facing a generational crisis. The results of the Covid-19 pandemic have not only had a high price in regards to human lives, but the consequences to business have been devastating. Many companies have shuttered or filed for bankruptcy, while others have been forced to furlough and reduce costs to a minimum, in the hopes of surviving.
5 steps to craft a marketing plan for 2020
We are already in October, the fall is truly upon us which means it is also time to start planning the marketing activities and plans for 2020. Wow, a few years back 2020 seemed so far away, and now it is less than 90 days left until the new year is here. Actually, I'd argue if you're planning for 2020 now, you're already running a bit late. So the time is now!
Inspire Your Tribe with Tribe Leadership
Tribes can easily set a business apart - just look at Apple. But creating your tribe is only part of the story. To really mobilise your tribe and inspire loyalty, it needs strong leadership.
How to Make the Most of Your Tribe
Behind every great brand is a community of loyal customers. You cannot grow your business if you don’t retain your customers. Acquiring a new customer is anywhere between five to 25 times more expensive than keeping hold of one. That doesn’t include the…
The Science of Storytelling
Everyone loves stories. A good story has the power to compel others, to inspire people, even to shape the world. They can comfort, connect, transform, destroy or even heal. Everyone has a story to tell, but not everyone can tell it well. There is a…